Let’s Partner.
You own a moving billboard, and should try and use it to make some extra money! When potential customers use your code, and that customer buys a building. You earn 2% on that sale. We send you the commission via your preferred payment method. We supply you with the graphics, and a code. It’s that simple.
Did you know:
90% of the information processed by the brain is visual
90% of US Travelers Notice Out-of-Home Advertising
23% have searched for advertiser information online
Vehicle graphics can generate between 30,000 - 70,000 impressions daily!
Which means:
[ On the low end if 30,000 people see your vehicle ad graphic and on average 23% search for that online with the typical form submission rate being 10% of that and the typical converted customer from advertising being 10% of all form submissions. That gives you the potential to generate about 70 leads per day!
If only one of those leads buys and the average metal building sale price is $30,000 with a 2% sales lead rate thats $600 for each sales lead generated. For nothing out of your pocket this (in our opinion) is one of the best ways to generate extra monthly income out there. ]*
*Terms Apply. Must Be an Approved Advertiser with Code.
*Terms Apply. Must Be an Approved Advertiser with Code.
*Terms and Conditions¢
¢The [ information above ] is purely example calculations on the potential impact of advertising. Actual numbers and sales leads will vary depending on: impressions daily, environment, geographic location, current economy, and customers making the decision to purchase. Low Price Metal Buildings LLC in no way guarantees the ability to make money from any advertising or lead generation. There is no way to tell when, or if this advertising tactic(s) will yield actual sales related to your code. This advertising model is based purely out of luck and does commit to any exact payouts or success. Low Price Metal Buildings LLC is not responsible for any drivers, vehicles, accidents, signage or advertising used by individual people, or approved advertiser who requests this offer. Cash, check, or digital account transfers are accepted for payout methods from Low Price Metal Buildings. The person must sign the approved advertiser contract, receive approval from Low Price Metal buildings, and be provided an approved code within the system to receive payout. In order for a payout to be possible to an approved advertiser the code associated to them must be used or their name must be referenced associated to a form lead. Low Price Metal Buildings LLC reserves the right to decline payout to any approved advertiser or terminate any approved advertiser for any reason at any point in time. The approved advertising person must adhere to all local laws, rules, and restrictions. Low Price Metal Buildings is in no way responsible for the approved advertising person and this person should be seen as operating on their own. Must be 18 years or older to apply for an approved advertiser through Low Price Metal Buildings LLC. As an approved advertiser the person is not employed by Low Price Metal Buildings and is responsible to submit correct tax revenue for related to their personal income from advertising on their own. The advertiser declines all working relationship to Low Price Metal Buildings and is to be seen as operating independently. The approved advertiser also agrees to the general Terms and Conditions when accepting these Approved Advertiser terms and conditions.